The Lively-Walden Wastewater Systems Upgrades is a multi-phase project that requires upgrades to linear infrastructure and wastewater facilities. These upgrades are needed to increase sanitary sewer capacity in Lively-Walden, where development is currently limited due to lack of capacity. These upgrades will ensure adequate capacity is provided for future demands, community growth, and to meet regulatory requirements.
The Lively-Walden Wastewater System also receives and treats wastewater from the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Business Industrial Park. Projected sewage flows from Atikameksheng Anishnawbek have been included in the upgrade project.
The improvements to the system would also enable the eventual extension of servicing to the Fielding Road Industrial Park which was identified as a Strategic Employment Area through the City’s Employment Land Strategy.
The City of Greater Sudbury has received $34.9 million in Provincial Funding through the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund to support the project, which is critical to enabling additional homes to be built in the community.
Anticipated Environmental Impacts:
The project will help protect the environment by improving the Walden Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and enhance effluent water quality. The upgrades will consist of improving the existing treatment processes and adding more capacity to treat anticipated flows.
Additionally, linear wastewater system upgrades will consist of upsizing and replacing existing pipes along the Lively-Walden corridor enhancing further the reduction of inflow and infiltration, hence reducing the amount of water entering the Walden WWTP and reducing sewer by-passes to the environment.
The Lively-Walden Wastewater Systems Upgrades is a multi-phase project that requires upgrades to linear infrastructure and wastewater facilities. These upgrades are needed to increase sanitary sewer capacity in Lively-Walden, where development is currently limited due to lack of capacity. These upgrades will ensure adequate capacity is provided for future demands, community growth, and to meet regulatory requirements.
The Lively-Walden Wastewater System also receives and treats wastewater from the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Business Industrial Park. Projected sewage flows from Atikameksheng Anishnawbek have been included in the upgrade project.
The improvements to the system would also enable the eventual extension of servicing to the Fielding Road Industrial Park which was identified as a Strategic Employment Area through the City’s Employment Land Strategy.
The City of Greater Sudbury has received $34.9 million in Provincial Funding through the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund to support the project, which is critical to enabling additional homes to be built in the community.
Anticipated Environmental Impacts:
The project will help protect the environment by improving the Walden Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and enhance effluent water quality. The upgrades will consist of improving the existing treatment processes and adding more capacity to treat anticipated flows.
Additionally, linear wastewater system upgrades will consist of upsizing and replacing existing pipes along the Lively-Walden corridor enhancing further the reduction of inflow and infiltration, hence reducing the amount of water entering the Walden WWTP and reducing sewer by-passes to the environment.