What is a ‘complete street’?
Why is the City changing the layout of the road on Elm Street?
How will this change in lane configuration impact traffic in the area?
Why is the project on Elm Street only from Ethelbert St to Regent St? Why does the project not extend all the way to downtown?
Will the bike lanes be physically separated from vehicular traffic?
Traffic volumes, along with vehicular operating speeds on this segment of Elm Street do not meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual Bool 18 – Cycling Facilities warrant for phsyical separation. On-street, dedicated cycling lanes will be provided for people who bike in this corridor. Learn more about Cycling Facilities in Greater Sudbury.
How will these bike lanes connect with other cycling infrastructure in the City?
Cycling infrastructure is installed as opportunities arise with road construction projects and the City makes every effort to provide connected routes as outlined in the Transportation Master Plan for the City of Greater Sudbury.
Where will snow be stored in the winter months? What impact will this have on vehicular traffic flow?
Snow on this section of Elm Street is currently stored within the boulevard and may be encroaching into the outside lanes of travel to some extent. With the new lane configuration, snow will continue to be stored primarily within the boulevard. As the City does not currently have a winter maintenance policy for cycling infrastructure, snow may also be stored within the bike lanes over the winter months, allowing for full, clear vehicular travel lanes.