Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the City selling Meatbird Lake Park to Vale?
City Council has approved the sale of Meatbird Lake Park to Vale. Vale is undertaking tailings dam improvements over the next 10 years, including an erosion control project located near the Meatbird Lake Park. In purchasing the land, Vale will be able to address public safety, remediate environmental impacts and reduce water consumption. The purchase price of the property will be used to fund other recreational projects in the Walden (Lively) area.
What is the purchase price?
City Council has approved the sale of Meatbird Lake Park to Vale at a price of $4 million. The funds from the sale will stay in the community of Lively to fund new recreation opportunities.
Why was this not discussed in open session?
Under the Municipal Act, Real Estate matters are discussed by City Council in closed session. There will be opportunities for the community to share their feedback on how the money will be reinvested into the community for other recreational opportunities.
Where can I find information about Vale’s intentions for the land?
Vale made a presentation to City Council in September 2020. The presentation can be found at
If this is about public safety, was my health ever at risk by swimming in Meatbird Lake or in the Park area?
Vale has assured us there has been no risk to the public from swimming in Meatbird Lake Park. The water is potable and has always been safe for recreational purposes. The lake is routinely tested for bacteria by Public Health Sudbury & Districts to ensure it is safe. The Sudbury Soil Study conducted a comprehensive study that sampled all parks in the City, including Meatbird Lake Park. The study predicted little risk of health effects on Sudbury area residents associated with metals in the environment.
What about the loss of this recreational area to our community? Where are residents going to swim now?
Creating healthy communities is a commitment outlined in Council’s Strategic Plan for 2019-2027 that places a high importance on building healthy communities through investments in our parks and trails. Options for new recreation opportunities are being explored and will be reported back to City Council in the coming year. We know this is important for the community and will be engaging Walden (Lively) residents as part of the process, before any decisions are made. Opportunities to provide feedback will be announced at a later date.
In the interim, a supervised beach at Centennial Park, located at 400 Graham Road in Whitefish, will be available for residents this summer until a new recreation opportunity is established.
Will the community be consulted on developing alternate recreational facilities?
Yes. A community engagement plan is in development to ensure the voices of the residents of Walden (Lively) are heard, and that any decision about investments in recreation opportunities will reflect the needs of the community.
What about the memorial to Cody Young that is in the park?
Vale is working with the Young family to find a new location for Cody’s memorial, in close proximity to its current location. The family has been receptive and open to discussions.
Why is a consultant being hired for the Lively Recreation Project?
A consultant provides access to a specialized skillset that panel members and City staff wouldn’t otherwise have. A consultant who has experience with projects of this type and size will be able to assist in the important next steps, including detailed project designs, and ensure the project progresses to the next phase.
The responses from the surveys regarding amenities and locations don’t seem to correlate. How will the information about preferred recreation amenities and locations be connected?
During the two rounds of public surveys residents were asked about which types of recreation amenities they would use, what factors where most important and preferred locations. The questions were independent of each other to be able to provide an overall picture of residents’ priorities when it comes to recreation in the community.
These findings will be reviewed by a consultant with the expertise to consider this information along with numerous other factors, including accessibility and planning requirements. The consultant will then be able to present viable recreation options to the community based on resident priorities.