Lively/Walden: Help Shape Your Future

A supervised public beach will be available this summer at Centennial Park, 400 Graham Rd. in Whitefish.

The Project

City Council has agreed to the sale of Meatbird Lake Park to Vale Canada Limited for $4 million. Funds from the sale will be reinvested into the Lively/Walden community to develop new recreational opportunities and will ensure local residents have access to safe ways to play in the area.

Proceeds of the $4 million sale are being held in the Capital Financing Reserve Fund – General, and are dedicated to the improvement of leisure infrastructure in the Walden (Lively) area.

In the interim, a supervised beach at Centennial Park, located at 400 Graham Road in Whitefish, is available for residents until a new recreation opportunity is established.

Lively Recreation Advisory Panel

The Lively Recreation Advisory Panel was formed in the fall of 2021 with ten members from Walden/Lively community.

The 2018-2022 term of City Council expired on November 14, 2022.

Although the membership for panels ends with the new term of Council, the Lively Recreation Advisory Panel membership will continue as this is a project-based initiative. Consistent membership will ensure knowledge transfer and prevent a break in work completed to date.

As directed by Council, there will be a change to the terms of reference to replace the two youth panel members with adult candidates due to the lack of participation by youth members. These positions have since been filled by new members.

Staff will be consulting with local youth leadership and volunteer groups to encourage other approaches that engage this demographic.

Two Rounds of Community Engagement

Two community engagements have concluded. The initial engagement took place in September 2021. The second engagement took place in June of 2022. Surveys and idea boards were available on Over to You. There were several online tools and information sources available, including background reports, frequently asked questions, posters. Paper copies were also available at Citizen Service Centre//Library locations, and residents could submit their feedback via 311.

In June of 2022, Oracle Poll contacted residents throughout the city to collect their feedback and complete a telephone survey about the project’s next steps. There were several events in the Lively/Walden community for residents to attend and ask questions, give their input and complete the second survey.

Members of the panel are working with City staff to present the next set of recommendations to City Council, supported by results of polling/engagement and the work of the Lively Recreation Advisory Panel.

Read the full report and process update

The Project

City Council has agreed to the sale of Meatbird Lake Park to Vale Canada Limited for $4 million. Funds from the sale will be reinvested into the Lively/Walden community to develop new recreational opportunities and will ensure local residents have access to safe ways to play in the area.

Proceeds of the $4 million sale are being held in the Capital Financing Reserve Fund – General, and are dedicated to the improvement of leisure infrastructure in the Walden (Lively) area.

In the interim, a supervised beach at Centennial Park, located at 400 Graham Road in Whitefish, is available for residents until a new recreation opportunity is established.

Lively Recreation Advisory Panel

The Lively Recreation Advisory Panel was formed in the fall of 2021 with ten members from Walden/Lively community.

The 2018-2022 term of City Council expired on November 14, 2022.

Although the membership for panels ends with the new term of Council, the Lively Recreation Advisory Panel membership will continue as this is a project-based initiative. Consistent membership will ensure knowledge transfer and prevent a break in work completed to date.

As directed by Council, there will be a change to the terms of reference to replace the two youth panel members with adult candidates due to the lack of participation by youth members. These positions have since been filled by new members.

Staff will be consulting with local youth leadership and volunteer groups to encourage other approaches that engage this demographic.

Two Rounds of Community Engagement

Two community engagements have concluded. The initial engagement took place in September 2021. The second engagement took place in June of 2022. Surveys and idea boards were available on Over to You. There were several online tools and information sources available, including background reports, frequently asked questions, posters. Paper copies were also available at Citizen Service Centre//Library locations, and residents could submit their feedback via 311.

In June of 2022, Oracle Poll contacted residents throughout the city to collect their feedback and complete a telephone survey about the project’s next steps. There were several events in the Lively/Walden community for residents to attend and ask questions, give their input and complete the second survey.

Members of the panel are working with City staff to present the next set of recommendations to City Council, supported by results of polling/engagement and the work of the Lively Recreation Advisory Panel.

Read the full report and process update

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are seeking input for the Lively Recreation Project, which will help inform plans to reinvest the $4M from sale of Meatbird Lake back into the Lively community.

    The personal information collected by this survey is collected under the authority of section 10 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 for the purpose of gathering public input regarding the Lively Recreation Project. Comments and personal information submitted become part of the public record, may be viewed by the general public and may be published in a report to Council, included in a Council Agenda and posted on the City's website. Questions relating to the collection, use and disclosure of this personal information may be addressed to the Director of Leisure Services at PO Box 5000, Stn A, 200 Brady St. Sudbury, ON, P3A 5P3, or by telephone at 705-674-4455, extension 2462.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please answer this short survey to help determine recreation needs and preferences in the Lively/Walden area.

    Submissions will be compiled and shared with the Lively Recreation Advisory Panel as they help staff develop recommendations for consideration by City Council.

  • CLOSED: This application process has concluded.

    Please answer the following questions. Applicants are encouraged to attach a brief personal resume to their application.

    Completed application forms must be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, August 6, 2021.

    Completed applications can be submitted through, by email to or in person at the Lively Library and Citizen Service Centre at 15 Kin Drive in Lively.

    Applicants must be 18 years old unless indicated otherwise.

Page last updated: 19 Aug 2024, 11:48 AM