Change is needed

Members of Council should be prohibited from dictating who can attend or speak at CAN meetings

Meeting attendees should not be required to complete a questionnaire in order to have the opportunity to speak at CAN meetings

Members of Council should be prohibited from acting as quasi-Chair of CAN meetings

Invitation posters to CAN meetings should be restricted to coming from the CAN only and not joint with a Member of Council

Members of Council should be prohibited from promoting a candidate’s campaign for a CAN Executive position

Incumbent or new candidates for Council should be prohibited from attending CAN meetings after May 1st in an election year.

The media must be allowed to attend all CAN meetings and record the meetings for their reporting purposes.

Terms of Engagement and/or CAN Standard Operating Procedures Stipulate the consequences of not fulfilling requirements such as preparing and submitting an annual report for the previous year’s activities, no later than thirty 30 days after year-end (December 31).

CAN Standard Operating Procedures- Include a reference to Discreditable Conduct similar to the Code of Conduct for Council and Board members. Example: Every Member shall treat other Members, City officers and employees, and members of the public, appropriately and with respect and without abuse, intimidation, harassment or violence